How would you explain why temperate climate plant fossils are found in Antarctica? Before humans were alive, Antartica used to be a warm place. That is why you can find temperate climate plant fossils there. Even though you may not believe it plants and animals that would live in the warm once lived there. This comes to show that the continents used to be one big continent by the name of Pangea.
      Over time, the continents slowly started drifting apart to which now they have become different continents. Now there are seven continents, but before there was only one called Pangea. The continent of Antartica moved down to where the South Pole is and that turned the once warm continent into a cold continent. Some animals like penguins and polar bears, and other kinds, still live in Antartica. People of course travel over there to find that there are fossils and other things showing that Antartica used to be a warm continent at one point.

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