What caused the peppered moth population in England to change their color? This change was caused to happen by natural selection. The factories during the time when the peppered moths were discovered, produced a lot of smoke and they were spread onto the peppered moths which caused them to be black with small spots. The Peppered moths were first like  tan color and had small black spots, but because of the factories pollution, this caused them to turn black. 
     Once they reproduced, the traits would be passed onto the offspring and they would come out black too. I think peppered moths in the future will be the same color. There are some tan colored peppered moths, but there are more dark ones, and because of their color they are able to blend into the night, when they come out at night. That would make them survive, because the moths only come out at night.
Does the overpopulation of limited resources make competition? I would say that it does, because if the resource is limited and everyone needs it, people who sell it are going to try to lower the price unlike everyone else who has it high. When something is highly needed but there is little of it the price goes up high. The competitors try to lower their price so that everyone can buy with them.
     For example, gasoline prices lower and higher every time the resource gets limited, because we need it to run our cars. That way the competition starts to see who has more customers. The winner will always be the one who has the economic prices. Which means everyone needs to fill up their car. So many people need gasoline for their cars, unlike other cars where all they need is electricity. It doesn't have to be gasoline prices that do this, al
The paper pet family was a family, made of paper. It helped us learn about genetics and how traits, or genotypes are passed from the parent to the offspring. The phenotypes are passed on just like the genotypes, the phenotypes are the letters that determine your genotypes. We made Punnet squares for each offspring and combined the phenotypes to come out to the likely hood of how the offspring would look like. Once we finished getting all of the information, we started drawing the genotypes on the paper offspring and then we taped them on to the paper, so they could look like a family.
     Once they were taped onto the piece of paper, you should have been able to flip them over and see its possible outcomes and the actual phenotype and genotype. They were either a certain color or had certain characteristics. Below there is a picture showing my paper pet family and how you can see some are blue some are yellow. Other characteristics can make you tell if it is a girl or a boy, like the line that is either slanted or curled on the top of its forehead.
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Briana's Wonderful Experience at Computech