What are theses? There are actually 95 theses which Martin Luther wrote describing all the bad things the Roman Catholic Church was doing like selling indulgences and that kind of stuff. Once he wrote them, he went to go post them on the door of the Castle Church where the priest and popes where. Everyone came to here about this story and the 95 theses that Luther thought were bad things that were happening in the church. The priests and popes in return said that he was a heretic, and it was just the practice of heresy. 
     Out of those 95 theses I think that the following that I am going to list are the most important that we should follow daily. Especially if you're in school or work or where ever you are you should follow them. The penitential canons apply only to men who are still alive, and, according to the canons themselves, none applies to the dead. I think you should follow that theses.

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