Two of the most greatest Chinese achievements are the Great Wall, and the smallpox inoculation. The Great Wall, helped protect China and kept invaders out. That made China last for more years than it would have without the wall, that still stands today. Which let all the other achievements become invented, because if China had been invaded and they were overthrown, they would have never invented all the other achievements. 
     The smallpox inoculation was also one of the most greatest achievements. It helped people so that they couldn't get smallpox, a deadly disease. Some parts of China didn't know about smallpox until it slowly started attacking people and they started getting sick. The Chinese invented the smallpox inoculation, which is still used today, just like how the Great Wall is still standing today. These two achievements are the two best achievements because they made a huge impact on the world. 
     I am most Thankful, for my family, home, and food. There are people. that don't have any of that and I wish that everyone would be able to have famiy, a home, and food. I am thankful for many other things, but these threee things, are the ones I need the most and they help me live. 
     My family is the best, we do all sorts of things together. Since, my sisters are away in college, it's only my mom, dad, and me. Even though they are away, they visit for the holidays and we have the best times of our lives. We are compassionate towards each other, and we always have fun. Sure, we might have our ups and downs, but we can't just forget about each other, they're family.
     My home and food, are the second most things I am greatful for having a home. There are people that don't have a home, or food and they go foodless through Thanksgiving and they are out on the streets looking for food while we're at home stuffing up on food. That just gets me sad and I am thankful that I have that and hopefully I will never have to live like that. It's the same thing with food, I am also greatful for food.




     You may not know who the griots are, or what they did but I can tell you about them. Griots, pronounced (gree-oh) are ancient African american storytellers. They told all kinds of tales and stories and myths. They made Africa, the way it is now. Back then when there were many griots, that made them common, all you could ever here from them was words of the tale, myth, or story.
     They told all sorts of stories, from how people could fly and how people were mean. Some stories were just told for fun, others had a real true meaning. Although, griots told many stories, they weren't all that accurate. Every griot mixed up names and who did what and sorts of stuff. No one really knows all the true stories             
     What is the best thing about fall? I think that the best thing about fall is the weather, colors, and the feeling you get because of daylight savings time. It just feels like you get to sleep an extra hour because your used to waking up an hour earlier. 
     The weather during fall is always the best. Not only because it's not hot or cold, but because sometimes theres more chance of raining, and I like the rain. The weather doesn't make you swear or be cold, you can simply just go on without any worries. The colors are also a reason why I like the fall. They sometimes make you feel down, but no everyday! You can ust role around outside in the leaves and have fun because of the weather and of the color.
     I also like fall, because of daylight saving times. It makes me believe that I have one more hour of time to sleep, even though I have one less. Fall is also my favorite time of year, because of Thanksgiving and just the time it's in.

Briana's Wonderful Experience at Computech