How has writing about math helped you this year? Writing about math has helped me understand certain ways that math is solved. Sometimes, I wouldn't understand how a problem was solved, and writing about it made me understand how to solve it. There have been many math Mondays during the whole school year, but this will be me final one. All the writing we have done this year has helped me and my grade in math. 
       It has also helped me on a test when I might have not remembered, but then I did because I wrote that one blog post and I remember. If I wrote it, then of course I would remember. It hasn't just helped me with math, but with all my other subjects too. In the future, writing about certain topics will be required, and I think it's a good idea, because if you write about it, it helps you learn, or at least it helps me learn.
The hardest thing I had to learn in math all year was dealing with parabolas. Parabolas are lines that you have to learn how to solve using equations and they look like lines with a curb in the middle, or a turn. There is a certain formula you would use to find a parabola, and how to graph it. 
     To graph a parabola, you need an equation. That equation has to have an A, B, and C. After figuring out which is which, you plug those numbers in into other equations that help you find the axis of symmetry and points that connect the parabola. I don't know why I had trouble with this even though it looks pretty easy. All I had to do to understand everything about parabolas was just look at it another time and practice.

Briana's Wonderful Experience at Computech